About Edongba

1. Overview


Edongba was constituted by a Font and a Input Method Editor. It is a interesting program to input Dongba hieroglyphs and Geba scripts.


(1). Font: Included 1561 Dongba hieroglyphs, 661 Geba scripts, for a total of 2222 words, and another 50 International Phonetic Alphabet for Naxi language.



(2). Input Method Editor: EXE and IME is divided into two ways; EXE plug for the global, IME that is the traditional way of local input.






2. Start

Step 1. Open the word processing software

WORD, WordPad, graphics, image processing software and so on, all characters can input into the software can be.



Step 2. Start Edongba

(1). EXE way: Run Edongba as a EXE application form desktop.      


(2). IME way: Run Edongba as a Input Method Editor.


Please be sure the files for East Asian Languages had installed on your computer if you want run Edongba by IME way.


Step 3. Edongba is running after above two steps, and automatically set the font as “Dongba&Geba”. If the font do not set up automatically, please manually set it.





3. Input Dongba hieroglyphs


Now, we will enter a hieroglyph meaning “I” by English word into the software named WordPad. More details you can watch "Tutorial of Edongba"

Enter by Naxi Pinyin similar.


 (1). Press the keys “i” or “me” on keyboard.

Edongba display some Dongba hieroglyphs related to “me” at the candidate bar.


(2). Move mouse on the candidate bar.

Edongba will hint the meaning and Naxi phonetic which word pointed by mouse.


(3). Select the first one up at the keyboard, press "1" or click by mouse.


Cool!!! The Dongba hieroglyph of “me” display in the WordPad, play the pronunciation of Naxi at the same time.



4. Close


(1). Close Edongba when running by EXE way.

Right click mouse on the status bar pop-up menu, then click “Close” button.



(2). Close Edongba when running by IME way.

Press Ctrl + Space key combination, or switch into other input method Editor, or direct close the word processing software can be let Edongba closed running by IME way.



Please see the files had inistalled on your computer to get more details.